>We have an application which dynamically creates buttons which a user
>clicks on to start an application 

[ ...]

> Exception EDB Engine error in module <program.exe> at 0008B25E
> An error occurred while attempting to initialise the Borland
>Database Engine (Error $2501)
>This only happens when the user clicks on the button to start the
>application. If they start it from the 
>directory is runs from, either directly or via a shortcut the program


>Does anyone have any ideas?

I don't have an inspired solution but can suggest a few 
desperate guesses of things to check:

1.  are drive mappings the same between old and new machines?
    in particular - is the path to the BDE config directory, or the
    path to the BDE DLLs wrong because of a drive letter 

2.  there are a few registry entries BDE uses to find the BDE
    code and the config files.   These have to be set on the
    local client box (installing BDE usually does it).   Take
    a look at 
       HKLM\SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\DLLPATH     &
       HKLM\SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\CONFIG01

    and see if these are affected by a drive mapping confusion
    or are just wrong somehow

3.  how do the buttons get the app into execution?   via ShellExecute?
    or via CreateProcess?   (I'm just curious - not sure how
    it would matter but it might).   If it's easy to switch from
    one method to the other can you try it?   Does it make a 

4.  are you getting nailed by security permissions somehow?   Does
    the user log on the same way?   Does the new machine belong to the
    server domain - does the user log on to the local machine 
    instead of the domain?

    BDE may be trying to load a DLL dynamically and need permission
    to list a directory that it has only execute access to.   
    (I'm just guessing here - but hope you get the idea).   

    It may be that the problem app uses some code the others don't
    need so they don't trigger the problem.  (a language driver?)

5   Are you using native xbase access or using ODBC?   If ODBC, 
    is ODBC correctly installed on the client box?
    (This probably isn't it since you can run the app ok from 
    the desktop)

good luck


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