Most bang for the bucks comes from making sure you can get at the XP and Vista 
themes - the XPManifest component in D2006 onwards, especially D2007 on goes in 
every project of the later sets of controls in COMCTL32.DLL 
rather than the old non-themed ones if the destination PC has them.

The themed buttons and other standard VCL in XP/Vista are pretty cool - in 
Vista a button that has focus but the mouse is not currently on gets a slow 
blue pulse.  I get the rippling progress bar with TProgress as well.  I used to 
use a variant button I tweaked myself called TJBCLColorButton that has color 
options for text, background, (split colours for background to give 3d effect), 
and mouse-over altered style and colours for text and background too0, but the 
standard Windows themed controls are even nicer - so prefer them now. So there 
is something to be said about staying away from 3rd party components when the 
free ones are that good.

Watch out for page controls though, the panels become white.  You can fix it 
with a TPanel over each page.

Apart from that, bitbuttons, are cool.

And a bit of AlphaBlending goes a long way too - you can easily have forms fade 
in and out, a slightly transparent look can look classy, or you can have it 
become opaque (Alphablend=255) slowly on a timer when the mouse is over the 

All of these require only VCL and D2007 in my case.

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