----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Richard Vowles 

  I was thinking before this roadshow that a sort of Delphi barcamp might be a 
better bet - I tried organising a Delphi user group a few years back but it 
never worked mores the pity. It doesn't work for most tech groups I find as 
people don't get much value out of it (esp. if its an hour long) and evenings 
are hard for people. 

  I'm wondering if a full Saturday with multiple rooms and people coming along 
and talking about stuff they are doing, solutions they've found, all that kind 
of stuff would work better? It seems to work in most of the other communities I 
am involved in, would people be interested in that? There are some very clever 
people on this list and I know a few of you are really very good at sharing as 
well as good for networking. 

  If it worked, we could schedule it every 6-8 months or so (bounce between 
Auckland & Christchurch). We could also make it start later (say 10 or 10:30am) 
to allow people from other cities to come in for the day.

  Just a thought


Sounds like a great idea to me. I'd definitely attend in Christchurch - might 
even come up with some topics to present :-)

I think it is much more likely to be beneficial than a regular usergroup 
meeting, where you struggle to find things to talk about.

Alistair Ward.
NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi mailing list
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