Hi Jolyon

Double quoting the path doesn’t seem to work.    ProgramName := ‘”’ + FW_Path + 
'\FWTools2.4.7\bin\ogr2ogr” "-f" "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=192........ 
user=postgres dbname=E5R password=........" "'+ DXF +'" -nln Import_Process';
All that ProgramName sees is the string variable FW_Path. Even with the +, all 
of the remaining string is ignored.
From: Jolyon Smith 
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 3:49 PM
To: 'NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List' 
Subject: Re: [DUG] Variable in String

Don’t quote FW_Path element of the program path – you need to quote the entire 
path AND program file name when/if any part of the path or the filename itself 
does – or may – contain spaces:


e.g.   “path a\sub a\sub b\prog.exe”


not   “path a”\sub\prog.exe



So in your case, this should do the trick:


   FW_Path     := X;  

   DXF         := openDialog1.FileName;        

   ProgramName := ‘”’ + FW_Path + '\FWTools2.4.7\bin\ogr2ogr” "-f" "PostgreSQL" 
PG:"host=192........ user=postgres dbname=E5R password=........" "'+ DXF +'" 
-nln Import_Process';






From: delphi-boun...@delphi.org.nz [mailto:delphi-boun...@delphi.org.nz] On 
Behalf Of Bob Pawley
Sent: Thursday, 23 June 2011 10:30
Subject: [DUG] Variable in String




I’m having trouble with using a variable in a string path.


When I use the variable FW_Path := ‘C:\Program Files (x86)’ with two single 
quotes, the following works well and ShowMessage(ProgramName); displayed the 
full path .


When I reference FW_Path to a variable X I get an error returned “Can Not 
run....” The variable  X is returned as C:\Program Files (x86) without quotes. 


I attempted Quote String and got the following ‘C:\Program Files (x86) with one 
single quote.


Both cases return the same error - and in both cases ShowMessage(ProgramName); 
displayed none of the path after C:\Program Files (x86).


Help would be appreciated.




   FW_Path := QuoteStr(X);  

  DXF  := openDialog1.FileName;        

  ProgramName :=FW_Path+'\FWTools2.4.7\bin\ogr2ogr "-f" "PostgreSQL" 
PG:"host=192........ user=postgres dbname=E5R password=........" "'+ DXF +'" 
-nln Import_Process';


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