On 11.08.10 10:42, Damian Hofmann wrote:
Hi Derby Community

Short question: Are disconnects supposed get logged if the option "derby.drda.logConnections" is enabled? If not, how can I see if the connections get properly closed?

Hi Damian,

I don't think disconnects are logged. I see two things you can do with Derby currently:
 o enable client side logging
 o use JMX and look at the information provided by NetworkServer MBean [1]

I'm thinking the JMX approach is the easiest way to get a picture of the situation in your network server (could use jconsole or visualvm). If you would like to see logging of disconnects to derby.log, you should file a request in Jira [2]. I expect the required changes to be small, perhaps only adding tracing code to either DRDAConnThread.closeSession() or Session.close().


[1] For testing it should be pretty simple to get started: just connect to the network server process locally with jconsole/visualvm/<your_favorite_jxm_tool>. In deployment you may need to do some more work (see for instance http://wiki.apache.org/db-derby/DerbyJMXQuickStart), especially for remote access as well.
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY

I recently had a problem with one of our Applications not responding anymore. I suspected that the problem was with the derby network server blocking because too many connections had been opened. In the logfile tousands of connections are logged, but not a single disconnect. So after I changed some code I excepted to see some disconnects. But the logfile still only shows connects.

Now I do not know if ...
a) ... there has never been a problem with to many connections and I have solved the wrong problem
b) ... my "solution" doesn't work
c) ... there was a problem with connections, my solution works, but the logfile simply doesn't tell me that

Thanks for your help

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