On 04.06.12 14:52, Rick Hillegas wrote:
On 6/2/12 3:18 AM, John English wrote:
On 01/06/2012 15:19, John English wrote:
I'm having trouble with the following error: "Conglomerate could not be
created". It happens when I do this:

INSERT INTO resource_usage (resid,itemid,itemtype)
(SELECT resid,?,? FROM resource_usage
WHERE itemid=?
AND itemtype=?
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT resid FROM resource_usage
WHERE itemid=? AND itemtype=?));

I also get the same error from this, which looks fairly innocuous to me:
INSERT INTO resource_usage (resid,itemid,itemtype)
(SELECT resid,20,'final' FROM resource_usage WHERE itemid=? AND
Is it perhaps because I'm inserting into the same table I'm selecting
Hi John,

Do you have a stack trace for this error?

My extremely simple attempt at reproducing this didn't succeed on trunk (10.10), and I could "duplicate" the matching rows (only changing the itemtype column). Do you also have the schema and example of data that triggers the problem? Are there many matching rows for the select?


John English If we were to define a religion to be a system of thought
which contains unprovable statements, so it contains an element of
faith, then Gödel has taught us that not only is mathematics a
religion but it is the only religion able to prove itself to be one.
— John Barrow, /Pi in the Sky /

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