On 20.06.2012 13:05, John English wrote:
On 20/06/2012 11:45, Kristian Waagan wrote:
Hi John,

I believe your assumptions are correct.
This is a bug in Derby where the temporary row holder, used to hold
generated keys, "overflows" and a temporary backing conglomerate is
attempted created with a zero-length row template.

The bug can easily be reproduced using JDBC. Unless someone beats me to
it, I'll log a JIRA and attach a regression test for the bug.

Excellent, many thanks. I tried a JDBC version of my IJ script but it
still didn't reproduce it, so if you've managed to do it that's great.

Logged as DERBY-5823 [1].

The bug is data dependent in that it requires a certain number of rows to be inserted, so that may be what's causing your repro to fail triggering the bug.


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-5823

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