On 4/15/13 12:19 PM, Al Eridani wrote:
Thank you, Rick, I'll go on learning how to write a custom authenticator. Besides the section at pp. 105-107 of derbydev.pdf, are there any other resources that I could consult?
Hi Al,

That sounds like the right resource to consult. If you want your custom authenticator to store credentials in a local Derby database, you can use the NATIVE authentication support described in the Reference Guide sections on the SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_CREATE_USER, SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_DROP_USER, SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_MODIFY_PASSWORD, and SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_RESET_PASSWORD procedures.

Hope this helps,

On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 3:37 AM, Rick Hillegas <rick.hille...@oracle.com <mailto:rick.hille...@oracle.com>> wrote:

    On 4/12/13 3:49 PM, Al Eridani wrote:

        This may not be possible out-of-the-box, but here it goes, in
        case someone can help.

        We have an application that uses Derby with a single database
        and, until now, with no authentication.

        The application can be configured to start Derby with either
        the embedded or client data sources. The client data source is
        not needed by the application, but it is useful to remotely
        monitor the data.

        We would like to require authentication only for remote users,
        not the application. Alternatively, we could live with
        requiring authentication when the application boots Derby
        using the client data source, but not when using the embedded
        data source.

        The documentation does not address this. Does anybody have any
        ideas? Thanks!


    Hi Al,

    I don't know any way to do this purely within Derby's public API.
    However, you could write your own custom authenticator which
    checks to see whether the DRDAConnThread class appears on the
    stack returned by Thread.getStackTrace(). DRDAConnThread will only
    appear on the stack if you are authenticating a network connection
    request. Note that there are no guarantees that this will work in
    future revs of Derby; however, DRDAConnThread has been around for
    7 years and no-one has suggested removing it.

    Hope this helps,

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