Embedded database can only be accessed by the application, nothing external. 
Seems to me like replication between embedded databases wouldn’t work.

From: pramavyt s <prama...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 8:58 AM
To: derby-user@db.apache.org
Subject: Derby Replication Issue


I am trying to setup replication b/w two Derby databases. Its embedded with an 
application. Configuration for replication is done as per the documentation 

When the application tries to start master instance, I get to see the message.

Lost DB connection URL= 
jdbc:derby:db/NMS;startMaster=true;slaveHost= + REASON= The log 
files on the master and slave are not in synch for replicated database 
'db/NMS'. The master log instant is 1:200335, whereas the slave log instant is 
1:196097. This is fatal for replication - replication will be stopped.:

There is some exchange happening on the replication port b/w master & slave. 
But master quits with the message. Per the documentation,before starting 
master, the database is copied to the slave location. And no transaction 
happens in master after that. What does the message ( mismatch in log instance) 
mean? What could I be missing?

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