
On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 12:23 AM, Bernhard Dippold
<bernh...@familie-dippold.at> wrote:

>>> Since I had to recreate it from the PNG Nikash uploaded,
>>> refinement-wise it is quite a bit behind the Nikash's original. I am
>>> also not as good with graphical tools as Nikash is. And also, please
>>> note that I will not try to make this logo any better. So if you use
>>> this at all, you might want to make it a temporary solution.

I have since found Nikash's SVG and had started to make some
adjustments for incorporating my changes into it, but in the original
mail I said, I wouldn't change my logo proposal any more ... let's see
how this pans out.

> While Nik tried to use our triangles to create the "X" of extensions, I
> don't understand the reasons for the slash-dotted "T" in templates.

I had somewhat feared that the symbolism of a template as an "outline"
for your document might not be so apparent. So, for lack of a better
symbol, I used those slash-dotted lines also used in construction. I
had no better idea. If there's something more obvious, especially
something that incorporates the triangles, please let me/us know.

> But I'm unsure with the "X" as well - due to the positioning of the
> triangles in 90° angles it looks quite static in comparison to the "Scatter"
> motif.

That's a bug, and if I change the logo again, it will be based on
Nik's, and incorporate the rounded triangles. See above.

> Do you think that extensions and templates are so similar that they should
> be kept on the same centralized area?

I know this is a question to Andreas, but I will give an opinion here
and say: yes. It would be more work, as it would be two pages that
essentially serve the same purpose. It would be harder for users, too,
as they would only discover one of the pages at a time. Also, if we
don't do the two pages right, you'd have to register twice if you want
to write reviews on both.

> I could imagine one site for extensions and a different one (perhaps
> http://templates.libreoffice.org) for templates.

Another opinion: that web address should be there and should redirect
to the templates section.

Best regards,

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