On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 9:32 PM, Aaron Wolf <aa...@snowdrift.coop> wrote:

On 11/01/2015 05:54 PM, mray wrote:
 Hello Everybody,

 based on the discussions in IRC about responsive/mobile-first
 implementation of snowdrift.coop there are some new mockups!
 I also updated the landing page and the project pledge button area a
 bit. Please open a new thread for comments on that.
 Only reply for the responsive parts in this thread please.



(I renamed "Discover" to "Browse" since Discover and Search are too close.)

 What did I miss?
 What is not going to work?
 What can be done better - and how?

 Looking forward to feedback,


This is a new thread for the design details notes.

Some items: progress is neat looking overall. I like the better image of
crowd of characters instead of the grid that looked too much like a
statistical graph of some sort.

Agreed, this is more human.

Regarding the more forest look and the city in the distance, it's got
some good elements. I think the trees are a bit too stylized to figure
out what's going on, what they are. They don't have enough tree-like
features. I wish I could express this more clearly, but I like the
direction and yet it just needs something different to make it easier to
immediately recognize what we're seeing.

I still would like to have more of a bank of snow on the side of the
road, maybe both sides, just a better sense of dimension where one can
get the idea of the snowdrift more clearly, like how my drawing on the
current live intro has a sense that there's some high snow right up
close. What you have is already better though vs before.

I somewhat see where you're coming from. I think it only applies to the further out trees, though. I think the mobile design captures a sense of path very well, better than the full desktop site. What if we removed the trees on the edges from the desktop site, too?

I think "Join us in setting the world free!" mostly detracts from the
slogan since it is the same sort of message but just more wordy and
different. I also think the "Let's clear the path" text is redundant to
the button text (and I like 'Let's clear…' better).

Agreed. I DO think this is worth discussing at this stage since the existence of a text block or not changes the design. Not worth discussing particular wording (in general) though.

I think we should reconsider the existence and details about the big
landing page button. I've never really liked a wordy button that says
"how we clear the path". And the "how it works" thing is prominent
enough now in the navbar.

Second. I admit I'm not familiar with research in this area but my intuition is that more people will read the contents of the front page than click a link, no matter how prominent it is. Therefore, I'd rather see us put a very brief description with a prominent 'learn more' or 'continue reading' link.

This also opens us up to adding, at some later point in time, more different sections with different 'learn more' buttons if Snowdrift ends up doing more than fundraising.

Aside: I still can't get used to calling us, the organization, "Snowdrift.coop." So I call the organization Snowdrift and if I need to talk about the software, I specify that I am doing so.

The thing I think I'd like to see is some sort of indication about the
metaphor that gets at "what is the snowdrift dilemma?" or something like that, where the "how it works" part describes our solution, and the key
item we otherwise are pointing people to is about getting them to
recognize the problem in the first place.

Agreed but I'm also not sure it needs to be on the front page. I think the front page needs an emotional appeal (done) and the shortest reasonable summary we can give.

Anyway, the "Inkscape recieves" numbers don't make any sense to me, but
we'll have accurate numbers when we have the live site working.

Agreed this is weird. The way it's currently arranged, I expected those numbers to mean, "If you pledge, Inkscape will receive $467.86 more. Of that, 84 cents is directly from you and .12 cents is matched by others." Obviously that's not what it is, I just wanted to explain what positions I expected what numbers to be in.

I do think there is value to showing inscape's current income stream, and also how much total your pledge will add to that.

Mostly, looking great!

Aaron Wolf Snowdrift.coop <https://snowdrift.coop>
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