On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 04:24:23PM -0600, Michael Siepmann wrote:
> On 05/24/2016 04:13 PM, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> > On 05/24/2016 02:47 PM, Michael Siepmann wrote:
> > <snip>
> >
> >> I like "Please consider increasing your maximum".  On reflection, and
> >> after experimenting, I'm thinking perhaps that's all we need.  I've
> >> updated both versions of that dashboard with just that for now.
> >>
> > I realize now that we need to clarify another issue: what happens when
> > someone chooses *not* to increase their max but to drop a *different*
> > project than the one auto-suspended?
> >
> > Obviously, dropping the suspended one, everything just goes back to
> > normal. Also, if they increase their max, the suspended pledge is
> > auto-reinstated, right?
> >
> > If they drop  different project, then the suspended one would also be
> > reinstated once everything is below max, right? Assuming so, is this
> > obvious enough without explicitly clarifying? I think so. They can drop
> > a different project and the page will reload showing the new status, and
> > then they'll see nothing remains suspended.
> Yes, that all matches what I had in mind anyway.  I think and hope it
> will be obvious enough.  Of course if we find it's not obvious enough,
> we can address that in various ways, but I think starting with something
> simpler like this is better.

A note on process:

The behavior being discussed is an excellent basis for a user story. I
started trying to write one, but I realized I don't understand the
particulars well enough. Please review what I've written so far:

The sooner we capture the particulars of stories like these in Taiga,
the more likely we are to avoid rehashing them in the future! :)

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