On Mon, 2005-07-18 at 14:01 +0200, Vincent Untz wrote:
> (Note to d-d-l people: the start of the thread is at
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/release-team/2005-July/msg00086.html and
> was supposed to be cc'ed to d-d-l, but Johan mistyped the address ;-))
> On Sun, July 17, 2005 22:40, Murray Cumming said:
> > On Sun, 2005-07-17 at 17:27 -0300, Johan Dahlin wrote:
> >> Hello
> >>
> >> Is Gtk+ 2.8 going to be included in GNOME 2.12?
> >>
> >> Eg, can we have an official statement from the release team, so
> >> distributions can start
> >> packaging and expect it to be ready in time for 2.12 (eg. freeze end of
> >> aug, rel early sept) ?
> >
> > Yes, we GNOME 2.12 is planned to use GTK+ 2.8. There's always a slight
> > chance that we would try to revert to 2.6 is something went terribly
> > wrong, but things seem to be OK so far.
> It seems, from a vendor point of view (I'm not a vendor), that we need
> to make a real statement, without the "there is a slight chance that
> we'll revert to 2.6".

There's always a slight chance of reverting for all modules, though it's
sometimes difficult. I was just restating that we do not have a feature-
based release cycle.

>  Else, nobody will use GTK+ 2.8. Right now, Ubuntu
> is blocking on this and I'm sure there are other packagers who are in the
> same situation. They won't use GTK+ 2.8 if we don't say we'll use it.

I'm sure Ubuntu are quite capable of weighing this up themselves.

> We need to take a decision. It seems everybody is saying 2.8 should be
> okay, but we're not sure yet. I see three possibilities:
>  a. wait
>  b. tell we'll ship with 2.6
>  c. tell we'll ship with 2.8

It's c, with the usual warnings.

> Option a is not useful for anyone, except for us. Nobody will be able to
> use the new possibilities offered by GTK+ 2.8. Looks like a bad option to
> me.
> Option b is possible. No real problem here, except that GTK+ people might
> not be very happy with such a decision (and I can understand why).
> Option c has a positive effect: people will start packaging GTK+ 2.8 and
> start using it. Problems will be found and solved. I'm sure the GNOME
> community can find most of the problems with GARNOME/jhbuild/etc.-built
> GNOME, but we'll have reports from at least Ubuntu people. I believe
> this will enable us to fix all the problems. If we do it now.
> So, can we take a decision on this and announce it devel-announce-list
> or anywhere where it's needed?
> As for my position on this: I was at first reluctant to the "shipping
> with GTK+ 2.8" option, but I really believe we can find the problems
> if it gets tested *now*. So I'm all for GTK+ 2.8 *now*.
> Vincent
Murray Cumming

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