On Thu, 2006-01-19 at 10:44 -0700, Elijah Newren wrote:
> Okay, so this is now official; Gstreamer 0.10 is the plan for Gnome
> 2.14.  There's only one minor change to my proposal above, namely that
> instead of adding unsed 0.8 tarballs to ftp just refer to them in the
> important notice in the release notes about this issue (as suggested
> by jdub, federico, and fcrozat).

I'm very disappointed in this. I have done a careful regression
analysis, with some major ones visible to end users: subtitles, stream
selection, firefox plugin, DVD although for some reason nobody cares
about that, plus tons of small format-specific media playback failures
that worked previously; more will probably pop up as we start testing
this beast for real.

For most of those, we've seen that the team cannot guarantee that it
will be fixed by the time 2.14.0 is released, and they didn't ("maybe it
will be fixed", "tim will look", or just plain "will not be fixed",
etc.). Subtitles and stream selection were well-working in previous
versions, are free, not encumbered and important. DVD may not be free,
but is still critical for non-treehuggers.

Without any of this, people will just switch back to totem-xine or
other, non-GNOME apps like always, or just continue self-confirming that
Linux sucks. Very disappointing after my hard work to make GStreamer not
totally suck from an end user's point of view. Basically a total year

Anyway, decision made, I'll accept it nevertheless. Tarball is rolled
and uploaded, but I won't be available to fix the regressions, I leave
that up to the GStreamer team.


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