On 4/20/06, Murray Cumming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-04-20 at 22:38 +0200, David Neary wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Elijah Newren said:
> > > But, a more important question: We currently only allow apps using the
> > > python bindings into the desktop.
> >
> > Is this true, or is it just because no-one's ever asked?
> We've had extensive discussions about it on this list. Python is the
> only one that almost nobody objects to, and a lot of people would prefer
> us not to use too many programming languages in the official Desktop
> modules.
> But luckily, not everything needs to be in the Desktop. I certainly
> wouldn't want to add the political, technical, and strategic baggage for
> just a note taking utility.

But lets be honest here. This discussion isn't about tomboy. We need
built in search; we're getting some of our best reviews in ages
because of our (currently optional) built in search:


If this discussion is about any app in particular (it probably
shouldn't be, but it probably will be) this discussion is really about
beagle, not tomboy.

Luis (why, what a big pink elephant you have in your pants^Wroom)
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