On 7/19/06, Ben Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, the other thing that the gnome_program_init provides (as I
> understand it) is the bug-buddy hooks. However, IMHO, this is more of a
> distro thing. Ubuntu's solution
> (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomatedProblemReports) seems to be better here,
> as distro specific stuff can make great efforts to get symbols, etc.

Bzzzzt. Wrong. A couple things we know right now:

* without what bug-buddy gives us currently, GNOME would be nigh-unusable.
* distros are all crap at getting their bugs upstream, pretty much.
(Some are slightly better than others, at various times.)

So... stack traces going to distros instead of bugzilla ~= nigh-unusable GNOME.

Now, many things could be done to improve this, of course- most
concretely, I firmly believe the payoff on investment would be
multiplied many times for the distros if they invested in a full-time
bugmaster whose responsibility was coordination for getting bug
information upstream and downstream. *If* they did that, or otherwise
committed more thoroughly to getting their data upstream in a manner
that was timely and useful, it might make sense for stack traces to go
to the distros- as you point out it, it is easier for them to provide
complete stack trace data. But in the current situation (distros don't
have the tools to create the better stack traces, and don't have the
tools to get bugs upstream, even if they did get better stack traces)
this feature should be taken away over the dead bodies of the QA team.

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