On Sat, 2006-07-15 at 11:47 -0500, Shaun McCance wrote:
> Three of our proposed modules replace existing
> functionality in the desktop.  We need to think
> about the migration path for our users.  How we
> migrate has an effect on the documentation team
> as well, so I would like a very clear statement
> from the development teams about their plans.

Come on, nothing?  This is important.  This is the sort
of real software engineering discussion we'd be having
if we weren't all busy talking with language wars.

Having a cool application is no sufficient for inclusion
in the desktop.  We require stuff like working within our
release cycle, working with our translators, and working
with our documentation team.

Tomboy has no documentation that I know of.  Orca will
require a *LOT* of documentation updates and additions
in the Accessibility Guide and other places.  Alacarte
will involve changes to the User Guide.

In at least two of these cases, I can't even begin to
coordinate documentation efforts until I know how we
plan to integrate the programs and migrate the users.

I will not endorse a module that isn't cooperating with
the documentation team, no matter how much I happen to
like the program.


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