Hi Shaun:

> Tomboy has no documentation that I know of.  Orca will
> require a *LOT* of documentation updates and additions
> in the Accessibility Guide and other places.  

Is there a place we can search to look for references to Gnopernicus?
We're more than happy to submit patches to the various places needed -
finding them all is the hard part.

> I will not endorse a module that isn't cooperating with
> the documentation team, no matter how much I happen to
> like the program.

I certainly hope you do not sense a lack of cooperation on part of the
Orca team.  We're working very hard to be good community members and are
going through the process as best we can understand it.  If something
has given you the impression that we are not cooperating, I'd like to
know what it is so we can remedy it.


(Orca project lead)

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