On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 11:06 -0500, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 11:38 +0100, Brian Nitz wrote:
> > Do we know what level of accessibility is possible within the current 
> > mono framework?
> > Do we know what level of accessibility is likely (e.g. with C# apps 
> > ported from other platforms?)
> Semi-informed reply (Mike Kestner, the gtk-sharp maintainer, will be
> able to inform you better):
> - Last I heard inside Novell, gtk-sharp was in the process of adding
> support for GObject interfaces, which are required to implement the a11y
> interfaces from C# itself --- you could always implement your accessible
> interfaces in straight C, but that's not fun :)

GInterface registration for managed subclasses is our #1 feature
request, other than perhaps Data Binding.  GInterface reg will probably
be the next substantial addition to Gtk#.  Much of the work is already
completed, but it won't be included in 2.10.x.  2.10.x looks to be an
API tracking release only.

Mike Kestner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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