
Here are the relevant specs btw:

(many distributions install these files with X)

(There are now a couple other more modern protocols called ICE, if you 
do a web search, be careful)

(iirc the SMlib.pdf is the one that explains the most stuff, the state 
diagrams in xsmp.pdf are also useful)

Dan Winship wrote:
> In the last year or so, it's become fashionable to suggest ripping
> XSMP out of GNOME and moving to a new, improved, simpler, presumably
> dbus-based session management system. I'd like to argue that that's a
> bad idea, and we should fix gnome-session and GnomeClient while still
> sticking with XSMP.

I don't think you're crazy, but can I suggest a good approach might be:
  - start from what the user benefits / scenarios are
  - figure out in a top-down way what API we'd like _apps_ to have
  - then figure out how to implement that or something like it

I suspect the "notify of logout" etc. API is something like that 
GdkSession I posted (as David mentioned, I simplified it slightly) and 
an idea for the "save state" API is a thing like:

  gtk_window_set_save_state_key(GtkWindow, char*);

where if a window has a save state key set, then just before map it 
restores any saved state under that key, and just before unmap it saves 
as much state as makes sense (maximization, size, maybe even e.g. cursor 
position in any contained text views). Some elaborations are possible 
such as allowing apps to also add stuff to the state or tune what state 
is saved, or allowing apps to get the state as a serialized string and 
stuff it somewhere other than the default location.

This really drops the idea of "session state" and just has state for 
each app (many apps will save the window state per-document though, by 
setting a state key that includes a document filename, title, or guid).

This is how nautilus and firefox work right now for example. I think 
probably other apps too.

I think an explicit XSMP API like GnomeClient or msm/gsmclient is a 
pretty bad idea, will elaborate -

>       * The client side of the protocol is already implemented by
>         most GNOME and KDE apps, and many non-GNOME non-KDE apps.

There are lots of apps that connect to the session manager and maybe 
implement the "please shut down" command, but I think nobody really 
implements the XSMP state-saving stuff, at least not correctly or well.

When I've said in the past that XSMP sucks this is the part I meant. To 
me the XSMP state-saving stuff is a disaster - it doesn't support the 
right user experience, but it's "policy free" so is complex in order to 
support 10 different hypothetical/useless wrong user experiences.

I've implemented the XSMP client side twice (gsmclient, metacity), the 
server side once (msm), and the WM parts of the spec (metacity).

I _still_ am not sure I ever understood how to correctly save session 
state in an application with XSMP, and even if I did, I forgot it 
quickly. And even if I understood it, which I doubt, I'm pretty sure I'd 
never manage to implement it without bugs because it's a complex state 
machine with odd corner cases.

The GnomeClient level of API ("expose raw XSMP" pretty much) - or even 
the slightly higher-level GsmClient - is just unusable and impractical.

The #1 evidence I'd cite is - open a bunch of apps from the main menu. 
Log out saving session. Log back in. How similar is your desktop to when 
you logged out?

Part of the problem is that this code path in an app rarely gets tested.

An advantage of nautilus/firefox style state-saving - just save globally 
for the app, instead of "in a session" - is that it gets tested every 
time people open and close a window. Also, of course, there's the user 
benefit that state is restored every time they open and close a window, 
and not just on login/logout. And the state can be per-document.
And the whole thing is transparent and doesn't require manual "setting 
up your desktop"

Another way to look at why XSMP is broken is that there are two things:
  - setting up your default desktop
  - having apps guess that their last state is the one you're likely to
    want again next

These really are not the same, XSMP mixes them together in a way that 
breaks both of them. So for example an alternative is autostart for the 
first one, and just have apps save their own state for the second one.

>       * XSMP does a number of useful session-managey things (logout
>         notification, logout cancellation, specifying apps that
>         should be restarted right away if they crash, specifying
>         commands to run at logout, etc) which we currently have no
>         other way of doing, so we'd be forced to reinvent half of
>         XSMP if we ditched it.

I don't think this is as compelling as the compatibility argument - the 
XSMP spec only defines 16 ICE messages, and the whole spec is 21 pages. 
If you simply ported XSMP from ICE to D-Bus, then what you'd have is 
docs on 16 methods or signals.

If you dumped all the broken overcomplex state-saving goo and just had 
logout management and application restart, I bet you could cut it in 
half to 8 methods or so.

On top of that D-Bus automatically kills some of the messages, since 
e.g. XSMP has to have Interact and then the InteractDone reply, but 
D-Bus methods all have a reply anyway, so in the direct translation of 
this you'd have only an Interact method with a return value.

Anyway, I think you'd end up with a really short spec.

>       * While XSMP does have lots of annoying bits, the basics are
>           well-understood (more so now than when gnome-session and
>           GnomeClient were written). Many of the bad aspects of
>           gnome-session are just gnome-session bugs / implementation
>           decisions, not intrinsic problems with XSMP.

On the implementation front, there is some amount of intrinsic problem 
with libICE/libSM - they are total junk and make it difficult to write a 
robust session manager app. One of the reasons is that they're much less 
reentrancy-safe than glib programmers are used to - we're all spoiled to 
Tim Janik's obsessive reentrancy paranoia. Anyway, it's possible to work 
around, but "fun" ;-)

I think at one point KDE had forked libICE to fix it up a bit, don't 
know if they still have that.

> This doesn't mean we have to expose users to the full range of XSMP
> possibilities (eg, multiple independently-resumable saved states). We
> just decide what functionality we want to offer, and use XSMP to get
> it (and extend XSMP where it doesn't do what we want, as we already
> have).

I'm pretty sure I remember that the only way to extend XSMP is to add 
properties. So you can probably build up a protocol extension based on 
setting magic properties or something, but I don't think it's possible 
to add new messages. (Of course it's possible to reimplement libSM and 
libICE, or incompatibly break the ICE protocol, or things like that, but 
without "extreme measures" I don't think XSMP is extensible.)

>         The system and user autostart items will be merged together
>         in some useful/clever way, probably involving a "Priority"
>         property a la gnome-session, and some way to indicate that
>         some apps want you to wait for them to register before
>         starting any other apps (ie, don't let apps map windows
>         until the window manager is running).

I think I was messing with some kind of "role" property to replace the 
priority stuff in msm. like ROLE_APP, ROLE_WM, ROLE_PANEL, etc.

>       * XSMP-based saved sessions will be implemented as a thin
>         layer on top of this. When you save application state (at
>         logout or otherwise), the session manager will write out the
>         relevant XSMP properties for the app to a new "[Session
>         Management]" section of its .desktop file in ~/.autostart.

The place I'd diverge from XSMP is that I'd just save one 
RestartCommand, and that RestartCommand should NOT point to a 
save-context-specific bundle of state. i.e. saving an app should be 
_exactly_ the same as sticking its normal .desktop file in autostart.

State would be remembered globally by the app, and be restored if I 
reopen the same document or same window at any time, not just if I've 
explicitly saved session, and not just on login.

>         So, copying a .desktop file into your ~/.autostart directory
>         would be exactly the same as having that app register itself
>         via XSMP with the RestartCommand and CloneCommand being the
>         .desktop file's Exec line, and the RestartStyleHint being
>         SmRestartAnyway.

It'd be just fine IMHO if "session management" were:

The only real downside is maybe setting up a bunch of terminal windows, 
but the terminal app itself could have a "save this set of windows as 
the default on startup" function - in fact, doesn't Firefox or Galeon 
have a feature a lot like that?

>       * To reduce the number of special case hacks the session
>         manager contains for various bits of GNOME functionality,
>         we'll add a way for autostarted programs to make changes to
>         the session manager's environment; eg, setting GTK_MODULES
>         for a11y, setting G_DEBUG for unstable-series testing,
>         setting GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET for the keyring manager,
>         etc--currently these are all done as special cases in
>         gnome-session. 

There was some previous thread about having the session manager export a 
couple of dbus methods like Putenv/Getenv, so env variables could change 
dynamically during a session, I don't remember in what context this came up.

> The clients would work like ssh-agent (print
>         out a few VARIABLE=value lines at startup and then fork or
>         exit), and there would be a new autostart .desktop property
>         indicating that the client behaves this way. The session
>         manager would start them, read their stdout, run the
>         appropriate putenv()s, and continue starting things up.

Wouldn't a config file (or gconf) be simpler if you just want to 
statically configure env variables?

>       * The session management UI will be more icon-y and less
>           command-line-y than it is now.

I'd say ideally the session management UI is shot in the head. ;-) It's 
kind of ridiculous. Why not just open nautilus on the autostart folder, 
then take the one or two checkboxes (enable splash screen or whatever) 
and move them somewhere else.

>               * In the session management UI, you can tell it to
>                 take a currently-running app, and add it to the
>                 autostarted apps list, and it will save its state
>                 (ie, Local SaveYourself) and cause it to be started
>                 the same way later. This is for things like "I want
>                 my 17 gnome-terminals to launch in the correct
>                 locations."

The terminal case is about the only example I can come up with where the 
complex XSMP stuff kind of makes sense (and I think I made some sort of 
valiant attempt to implement session save correctly in gnome-terminal, 
come to think of it, that's why gnome-terminal has so many crazy command 
line options).

Even so I wouldn't be at all surprised if you surveyed a few dozen 
random sysadmin's systems if they weren't just manually running a 
terminal command line with the right options to launch the terminals 
they want. I wonder how many really use session saving to create their 
default config.

And as I mentioned earlier, gnome-terminal could just have a "save this 
configuration as my default" feature right in the app, problem solved.

For toolbar-type things (do people still use gkrellm?) this is also a 
viable approach, though for many of those they can just do what e.g. 
Google toolbar does on Windows - just remember their most recent state 
across login/logout. Simple.

> We also want a better client API than GnomeClient. GnomeClient is a
> very very thin layer around XSMP, mostly because when it was written
> there wasn't enough agreement about what certain parts of XSMP meant,
> so it was impossible to abstract/simplify the API. As mentioned
> before, this is somewhat fixed now[3], so we can make a nicer API
> based on our new understanding. At the very least we want separate
> "save_state" (Local SaveYourself) and "save_files" (Global
> SaveYourself) signals, rather than a generic "save_yourself" signal
> with 36 possible combinations of flags where almost every single app
> in jhbuild that uses GnomeClient implements only one behavior that it
> uses regardless of the flags passed (and often that behavior is not
> 100% correct for any of the 36 possibilities).

Just to be sure I said it enough times, I really think the right 
simplification is to put a bullet in save_state as some kind of 
session-driven event, and just have apps deal with state saving 
themselves. Then the GnomeClient API is only the GdkSession kind of 
stuff (logout notification, maybe something else).

This would make a gnome-session rewrite truly worthwhile, by really 
changing the user and app developer model to something both simpler and 
more powerful. (I say more powerful because I think apps can do a much 
better job saving their state on their own.)

> (And if we're moving the session management client to gtk, it should
> support the equivalent Windows/Mac OS X session management
> functionality as well. I think this is mostly just logout
> notification/cancellation, plus the ability to add/remove programs
> from the autostart list, but I haven't really investigated.)

I think that is what they have, because that is the sane thing to have, 
and also what GNOME should have ;-)

This is a no-brainer - it's "better UI" and "easier to implement" all in 
one awesome package!

> Does this make sense or does someone want to put forth a stronger
> argument for killing XSMP?

I'm not sure my argument is for killing XSMP; keeping it for logout 
notification, maybe it's worthwhile to avoid weird incompatibility 
issues or whatever. The price is essentially linking to libICE and 
libSM, and an extra file descriptor per process, which is not a giant 
cost to keep compatibility.

I do think the XSMP state-saving model is absurd and should be ignored, 
however, even if XSMP is used for logout notification.


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