2007-05-27 klockan 13:51 skrev Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen:
> If we are to use XML to serialize RDF we might as well use RDF/XML and the
> xml:lang attribute for translatable strings I think.

That's what intltool does for you if you use .xml.in files.

> The reason we avoid RDF/XML is that it is dead ugly to look at. Turtle
> provides a syntax almost-.desktop like in Human readability. Your example
> above also illustrates the advantages of Turtle over XML pretty good (in
> readability-terms at least).

My example was not RDF in its XML syntax.

  mvrgr, Wouter

:wq                                                       mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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but sometimes :: it's better to lie                          -- hooverphonic

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