Le dimanche 11 janvier 2009 à 16:51 +0100, Luca Ferretti a écrit :
>      A. With pulseaudio
>               * gnome-volume-control (NEW, not the previous one) from
>                 gnome-media
>               * gnome-volume-control-applet from gnome-media (new, a
>                 notification icon, not a real panel applet like the
>                 previous one)
>      B. Without pulseaudio
>               * gnome-volume-control (AKA gst-mixer) from gnome-media

So there are two gnome-volume-control binaries, and the selection has to
be done at compile time. I find this a bit silly, since we need to
support both at run time. We could work around it at the distribution
level by wrapping them in a script that checks with GConf what is the
current audio sink, but this is a bit hackish.

I’m more worried about the applet. While I perfectly understand the
benefits gnome-volume-control can have by using PA directly, there is
nothing in the applet’s UI that will be improved this way. Why not keep
the current GStreamer code, porting it to a notification icon if you
find it better? It would also be more consistent with the sound setting
in gnome-settings-daemon.

> So it seems to me that we should officially promote pulseaudio as
> official dep, or readd volume control applet and audio capplet
> somewhere.

I don’t mind libpulse as a hard dependency. What I seriously mind is
breaking systems on which the pulseaudio daemon is not started.

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