2009/10/14 Xavier Claessens <xclae...@gmail.com>:
> Le lundi 12 octobre 2009 à 11:27 -0400, Ryan Lortie a écrit :
>> I'd like to propose the inclusion of dconf for GNOME 2.30 in the desktop
>> release set.
> This is great news! I'm all in favor of dconf. Do you have plans to move
> to GNOME plateforme? IMO that really should replace gconf for GNOME3,
> this should be part of the "cleanup plateform" goal IMO.
> However I have a few questions:
>  - How do we migrate user settings from gconf to dconf? If it is not
> done on GSettings/dconf level, that means that all applications will
> still have to link on libgconf to read old values and save them on new
> dconf keys at startup, and set a flag "settings converted" so that
> conversion is ran only once.

Is there a need to convert user settings? I mean, we're talking about
GNOME 3.0 here, most sensible data is stored via
evolution-data-server, tracker, or other custom storage so the only
difference would be appearance. I don't think that migration is an

>  - Does dconf supports lockdown, so administrators have a way to force a
> value for some keys and the user don't have permission to modify it?
> Congratulation for your hard work, I hope that will succeed :D
> Xavier Claessens.
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Un saludo,
Alberto Ruiz
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