On Wed, 2009-10-14 at 10:54 -0500, Shaun McCance wrote:
> No doubt.  But ask that same question of sysadmins, and
> you'll probably get a different answer.

        So - at this point, I'd like to advertise FUSE gratuitously[1]; what
with the ease of writing a FUSE filing-system, and the fact that we have
a GVFS fuse mount already; it should be near-trivial to write a 'vi
compatible' FUSE plugin there, that would show the configuration data as
".ini style" or "fugly verbose gconf XML style" or whatever ;-)

        At least, that's ok for the user XML, perhaps for the system, it's
necessary to type some unbelievably verbose mount command-line to get
the same effect - but hey; sysadmins are good at that right ? :-)

        That way we can have a sane data format, and the appearance of a text
storage (and backup / restore / whatever) as well. Of course this should
also take a clueful hacker all of - oh an hour or two to write ;-)



[1] - though, I'm not at the "lets use it for all database queries" type
wide-eyed end of the spectrum ;-)
 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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