> As pointed out before the fallback-mode is not a continuation of GNOME 2.
It was just the easiest way to create a fallback because we don't have the
resources to create a non-3D shell that could act as a fallback. As we have
gnome-panel already it was choosen as the fallback mode.

Is it an indication of a problem in gnome3 architecture? Is it simpler to
maintain extra modules than to scale mutter and gnome-shell down? Especially
considering that fallback mode would be somewhat weak, functionally

> BTW, nobody forbids you to create a gnome-sergeys-applets module that is
compatible with the GNOME3 gnome-panel and ships all the applets you want.
But it will just not be part of the default moduleset.
Sure, but that policy is not friendly to existing users.

Sergey, who sometimes prefers to look backwards rather than forward
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