On 06/10/2011 05:49 PM, Allan Day wrote:
Were there any UX testing report available that motivated this decision?
This kind of statement implies that if designers don't scientifically
prove the validity of their work they aren't allowed to do it at all.
More user testing would be great, but that's often not an option.

Thanks for the response. I'm not saying what you're implying but for controversial changes organizing a UX testing could prove useful. I remember Canonical/Ubuntu organizing one and publishing the results on Unity a few month back with mixed results (of course some would see the glass half full and some half empty).

I understand those take time and resources as we tried to organize one for GNOME.Asia in Bangalore and finally ruled against it because we had a lot of other things to deal with.

Anyway it's nice to know that GNOME designers are listening even if they don't show it ;-)

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