
On 6 October 2011 09:48, Martyn Russell <mar...@lanedo.com> wrote:

> On 06/10/11 09:34, Joaquim Rocha wrote:
>> On Thu, 2011-10-06 at 08:37 +0100, Martyn Russell wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> I love the shell generally though, this is really just where I think we
>>> could improve things.
>> Hi,
> Hi,
>  I second Martyn's proposals and I'd like to name a few things that at
>> least in my case, could be improved.
>> The worst part of the shell for me is the bottom tray area (sorry if
>> this is not the official name for it).
>> Besides being visually ugly (with the gradient background) IMHO, the
>> windows' names expanding when the mouse is over the icons is
>> disconcerting for me. I have to be extra accurate with the trackball in
>> order not to miss the exact icon or it will expand the another one,
>> etc... This is especially terrible when I have 10 telepathy buddy icons
>> and have to go expanding them all when I try to find a specific buddy
>> this way. (Of course I can just open the contacts list but anyway, the
>> use case I'm talking about is also valid IMHO)
>> I think that a good way to fix this is to remove the expanding thing and
>> to show the name on top of the icons on mouse-over (as tooltips).
>> Something like when rests the mouse on top of an opened app's icon in
>> the opened apps list on the left.
> Or, similarly to how mac did it? does it? using a jumping icon or changing
> the colour or some notification which is subtle. With an icon appearing in
> the top (like the battery icon) which allows you to use your contacts
> (favourite or recently communicated with and have access to the contacts
> app/dialog), that would be a nice way to avoid needing the roster entirely
> generally. You could see notifications grouped there. I was struggling with
> concepts for this when I worked on Gossip back in the days before Empathy.
> It's not an easy UX to come up with.
> You could apply this to the network manager applet/icon too to avoid this
> constant bombardment of connection state changes on devices like laptops.
> Of course, this completely conflicts with the current approach and being
> able to reply to messages without opening any window.
> For me the issue is more about *not seeing* messages waiting for me and
> internally people in Lanedo who have been using gnome-shell < 3.2 only
> respond to messages if spoken to directly (i.e. chatrooms messages were
> missed). This is likely fixed now I suspect. Either way, I never use the
> bottom notification bar and don't think to check it for new events at all.
>  Another thing I think could be given some thought is the notifications.
>> I understand how convenient it is to show them on the bottom of the
>> screen (it's a "clean" side and helps integrating the chat). The problem
>> is that I am often writing on the bottom of the screen (on a terminal or
>> chatting with a friend) and a notification comes up, blocking my text.
>> This is especially annoying when that notification is a chat window and
>> it gets focused, receiving the text I was writing before...
>> I don't know a good way to fix it but perhaps it could be given some
>> thought by the designers.
> I agree.
>  Still on the bottom area, I wish that when my status is available,
>> notifications would stick in a visible area. It often happens that I'm
>> far from the keyboard for 5 minutes, meanwhile a notification came (say
>> someone is trying to chat with me) but timed out and is now hidden in
>> the tray area. I end up answering those notifications much later when I
>> happen to notice them. Maybe this could be configured so when the status
>> is "available" and a notification comes, the tray area would be visible
>> constantly until one focus another area.
> Yea, precisely the case I see too.
>  I think it'd be also useful if the opened windows' previews (when
>> accessing activities) showed their icons, for example on a corner of the
>> previews or the the left of their name.
>> Finally, I think that the inclusion of a "close all" option in the apps
>> menu (when right-clicking on the left area's icons) would be useful.
> I suspect you might want to do this per workspace than all at the same
> time. I only close all when rebooting.
> But I also use the extension to place certain apps on particular workspaces
> because I am used to my work flow being related to the workspace I am on.
> --
> Regards,
> Martyn
> Founder and CEO of Lanedo GmbH.
> ______________________________

Maybe something like the Ubuntu/Dell brain/ideastorm would be a nice
addition to the Gnome website for these sorts of proposals?

It may help prioritise those must have features/requests and then
developers/UX guys could assign, develop or shootdown the ideas as

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