On Wed, 2018-03-21 at 11:22 +0100, Arnaud Bonatti wrote:
> Hi Milan,
> 2018-03-21 8:53 UTC+01:00, Milan Crha <mc...@redhat.com>:
> > Your module rename may mean also renaming in distributions, thus it
> > should not be done in a rush and "just because we can". At least
> > from my point of view. You also lose some kind of mind share with
> > the rename, because existing users know what it is called now, but
> > will be lost when you rename the module […]
> I completely agree with you, the renaming of an old and known
> application is always a hard thing to decide and to do, and that’s
> why it definitively needs discussions. Note that I don’t feel any
> hurry here (in fact, I’m talking here and there about this renaming
> since two years…), but depending on how hard it looks like to do the
> renaming *after* the Gitlab migration,

Renaming in Gitlab is trivial: in the project settings you can just
rename the project, and Gitlab will set up redirections so that old
URLs keep working. (at least that happened on other Gitlab instances, I
see no reason why that wouldn't work on GNOME's)

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