The next change we could discuss is about to remove daemons, parents
killing child process, zombies...

I'd vote for fixing the current change in branch name first and once done
that discuss and comment about language, slavery and whatever we consider
we could apply to our project to be more less offensive, but fixing the
current issue should be the first action to take into account.


El jue., 25 abr. 2019 a las 16:17, Christopher Davis via desktop-devel-list
(<>) escribió:

> It does not reflect on history, it is not a reference to it.
> That's not how language works. Language is years of words being assigned
> meaning. As you
> described it, master/slave terminology has the same exact meaning of a
> relationship between a
> real master and slave. That connection is the problematic bit, because in
> some countries slavery
> wasn't all that long ago, and in some places it's never left or it changed
> forms.
> If we want to be an inclusive project, it would be beneficial to use
> language that do esn't scratch at scars
> when we have other metaphors we can use.
> Regards,
> Chris
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 10:12 AM, Pat Suwalski <> wrote:
> On 2019-04-25 9:58 a.m., Emmanuele Bassi via desktop-devel-list wrote:
> If you cannot maintain even a semblance of a civil discourse, the door is
> shown to you at the bottom of every email.
> Fine, if you want it stated a different way, the terms being used are as
> accurate as possible. There is a master process. It tells a slave what to
> do. The slave process does it, no questions asked. This is what machines
> do. It is accurate. It does not reflect on history, it is not a reference
> to it. --Pat _______________________________________________
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