On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 12:31 AM, Asa Dotzler <a...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> No, that is not the question. There is no question about "caring" here and
> it's both rude an insulting to phrase it that way.

I think it's a legitimate question.  Maybe the thing is to phrase it

  "is embedding by third parties considered strategic enough to
Mozilla's mission for it to invest its limited resources in it?"

I've wanted to use Gecko for embedding various times and ended up
having to give up due to my own time constraints.  There always ends
up being some barrier to making it work that would take more time to
solve than whatever project I'm working on will allow.

I'd be interested in contributing back in principle, but first I have
to become a user, and the barriers to that are currently very high.
Especially given the existence of WebKit (which also has its problems,
so it's not like there isn't a niche available for a really nice
embedding solution).

My opinion is that having a richer embedding ecosystem around Gecko
would help bring in more contributors long-term and be a real boost to
all the projects that rely on Gecko, Firefox included.  But that would
require more investment by Mozilla in make Gecko an attractive
embedding solution to begin with.

It's a catch-22 that can only be solved by somebody committing
significant resources to the problem.  More resources than an
individual embedder can afford.  I think Mozilla is the only party
that can get the ball rolling.

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