On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 8:19 AM, Asa Dotzler <a...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> You seem to have missed the part where I pointed out Benjamen's call for
> those interested in helping make a simple multi-process embedding story
> happen.
> Then again, those who will do nothing more to make it happen than "hope for
> it" are probably wise to look to other solutions.

I didn't miss it.  But I imagine that most people who would "hope" for
this are in a similar situation to me.

I can invest a small amount of time, but not enough to get over the
initial barrier needed to get started.  It starts with the fact that
the documentation appears to be ancient.  What documentation there is
is a bit off-putting - do I really need all of that stuff if my
use-case is just to render some HTML+CSS to an off-screen buffer?

The other avenues for getting involved in Mozilla offer baby-steps to
getting involved.  You can learn a lot of the front-end, for example,
but starting out writing a plug-in.  As near as I can tell, there are
no baby steps to getting involved in Gecko embedding.

Since I don't have the time to invest several months wading through
the source code and trying to figure out which documentation still
applies, I don't see any realistic way to contribute.

I am willing to give a couple of hundred Euros to Mozilla to
contribute towards a summer student, working with the support and
mentorship of some Mozilla people, to improve the documentation. I bet
others would too if you set up a donations page.

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