On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 11:39 PM Ryan Kelly <rfke...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> This does indeed seem like a lot of things for a single quarter, but
> part of the idea here is very much to challenge ourselves with ambitious
> goals rather than setting out things that we know we can 100% complete.
> I'm confident we can make a real dent in all three outcomes over the
> course of Q3.

I suppose this is one of the ways you said these are supposed to differ
from individual deliverables. For deliverables, picking some that we cannot
complete supposedly harms us :)
And we're advised not to pick things that we think will just barely fit,
because we must account for all the other things that go wrong (new
attacks, software just sucks, etc).

I do think this outlined work is something we can make a decent dent in.
I'd toss out that my gut feelings are that should we have sacrifice
anything on the list, it should be in OKR 3. 3 may have the "cooler" things
to build, but security should maybe come first.
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