On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 10:16:59 -0800, Jared Hirsch wrote:
> We’d like to make it easier to self-host Firefox Accounts. If this
> sounds interesting to you, please reply with answers to the following
> questions:
> 1) Are you currently self-hosting Firefox Accounts, or have you tried
> self-hosting in the past?

I have not done either. I've tried Firefox Sync, but never got it
working (I was trying to shoehorn it into my existing infrastructure
rather than deploy it standalone and reverse proxy to it).

> 2) Would you be interested in helping test or maintain a community FxA setup?

I doubt I'll have the time unfortunately :( .

> Also, feel free to share other feedback or ideas for self-hosting :-)

Ideas I've had are mostly around leveraging Firefox Sync for other use
cases. Mainly things like:

  - Locations and tracks: https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues/2750
  - Notes (short ones, like Google Keep or the like)
  - App lists (F-Droid)

The lockdown of the main FxA deployment (cf. the numerous requests for
API keys on this list) makes these kinds of things not possible without
a custom FxA deployment.

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