Hello Stefan,

Am 11.05.2012 15:20, schrieb Stefan Moises:
This works for my admin class, but not for oxajax.php...
I also can't set the path for this include file in my metadata.php, because it isn't a "real" class like the main admin class:

    'files' => array(
'smxb2b_accounts_main' => 'shoptimax/smxb2b_accounts/admin/smxb2b_accounts_main.php', 'ajaxComponent' => 'shoptimax/smxb2b_accounts/admin/inc/smxb2b_accounts_main.inc.php',
I've tried to set the path for "ajaxComponent" as you can see, but of course this isn't working either...

So is there any way I can get oxajax to load my include file from the modules directory, or do I have to copy it over to the "/admin/inc/" dir of the shop (which would break the whole concept :P)

The "admin/inc/"-Container is identified by the "container"-parameter. The oxajax.php script is called directly and not through the shopcontrol, but the modules/functions.php is included. So you can set your include-path in this modules/functions.php to resolve "include_once 'inc/'.$sContainer.'.inc.php';" in oxajax.php on 748 (OXID 4.6.0). Did you try this allready?

And another "path question": is there a way to load the "bottomnavicustom.tpl" from my module folder, too? E.g. this doesnt seem to overwrite the default template:
    'templates' => array(
"bottomnavicustom.tpl" => "shoptimax/smxb2b_accounts/out/admin/tpl/bottomnavicustom.tpl", "smxb2b_accounts.tpl" => "shoptimax/smxb2b_accounts/out/admin/tpl/smxb2b_accounts.tpl",

The Module-Templates are saved in the config var "aModuleTemplates" which are called in oxconfig::getTemplatePath after the standard logic:

    public function getTemplatePath( $sFile, $blAdmin )
$sTemplatePath = $this->getDir( $sFile, $this->_sTemplateDir, $blAdmin );

        if (!$sTemplatePath) {
            $sBasePath        = getShopBasePath();
            $aModuleTemplates = $this->getConfigParam('aModuleTemplates');

So there is no way to "override" a default template with this way. But i suggest to overload oxUtilsView::getTemplateDirs to add your own template dir first for overwriting this template and load your template first.


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