
With bugfix for https://bugs.oxid-esales.com/view.php?id=4037 we will move and 
rename all ajax list related admin classes. As an example 
admin/inc/actions_article.inc.php will become admin/actions_article_ajax.php

With this change it will be possible to extend existing and register new ajax 
list files in module metadata.


From: dev-general-boun...@lists.oxidforge.org 
[dev-general-boun...@lists.oxidforge.org] on behalf of Stefan Moises 
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 12:22 PM
To: dev-general@lists.oxidforge.org
Subject: Re: [oxid-dev-general] new module structure in 4.6 and admin include 
files not working?

submitted as bug now at https://bugs.oxid-esales.com/view.php?id=4037


Am 14.05.2012 09:56, schrieb Stefan Moises:
> any idea from the OXID developers? :)
> Thanks,
> Stefan
> Am 11.05.2012 15:20, schrieb Stefan Moises:
>> Hi list,
>> I am trying to port a module to the new Oxid 4.6. module logic and
>> having a hard time getting the paths etc. right... now I seem to have
>> hit the wall with admin includes:
>> [11-May-2012 15:07:06] PHP Warning:  include_once(): Failed opening
>> 'inc/smxb2b_accounts_main.inc.php' for inclusion
>> (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in
>> /...smxDemoshopB2B46/admin/oxajax.php on line 740
>> The file smxb2b_accounts_main.inc.php is located at
>> "/modules/shoptimax/smxb2b_accounts/admin/inc/" and included from
>> "/modules/shoptimax/smxb2b_accounts/admin/smxb2b_accounts_main.php".
>> At first, not even that was working and I had to adjust the path to
>> the include in my admin class. Now that part is working, but oxajax
>> can't find the include now as you can see...
>> I've tried to set the include path with PHP like this:
>>         if (oxConfig::getParameter("aoc"))
>>         {
>>             $newIncPath = dirname(__FILE__);
>>             set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR .
>> $newIncPath);
>>             $aColumns = array();
>>             include_once 'inc/' . strtolower(__CLASS__) . '.inc.php';
>>             $this->_aViewData['oxajax'] = $aColumns;
>>             return "popups/" . $this->_sThisTemplate;
>>         }
>> This works for my admin class, but not for oxajax.php...
>> I also can't set the path for this include file in my metadata.php,
>> because it isn't a "real" class like the main admin class:
>>     'files' => array(
>>         'smxb2b_accounts_main'            =>
>> 'shoptimax/smxb2b_accounts/admin/smxb2b_accounts_main.php',
>>         'ajaxComponent'                   =>
>> 'shoptimax/smxb2b_accounts/admin/inc/smxb2b_accounts_main.inc.php',
>>         ...
>> I've tried to set the path for "ajaxComponent" as you can see, but of
>> course this isn't working either...
>> So is there any way I can get oxajax to load my include file from the
>> modules directory, or do I have to copy it over to the "/admin/inc/"
>> dir of the shop (which would break the whole concept :P)
>> And another "path question": is there a way to load the
>> "bottomnavicustom.tpl"  from my module folder, too? E.g. this doesnt
>> seem to overwrite the default template:
>>     'templates' => array(
>>         "bottomnavicustom.tpl"            =>
>> "shoptimax/smxb2b_accounts/out/admin/tpl/bottomnavicustom.tpl",
>>         "smxb2b_accounts.tpl"             =>
>> "shoptimax/smxb2b_accounts/out/admin/tpl/smxb2b_accounts.tpl",
>> ...
>> My own template is found, but bottomnavi is not overwritten with my
>> version....
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Stefan

Mit den besten Grüßen aus Nürnberg,
Stefan Moises

Stefan Moises
Senior Softwareentwickler
Leiter Modulentwicklung

shoptimax GmbH
Guntherstraße 45 a
90461 Nürnberg
Amtsgericht Nürnberg HRB 21703
GF Friedrich Schreieck

Tel.: 0911/25566-0
Fax:  0911/25566-29

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