Hi Aurimas,

Thanks a lot for your answer. I managed to run metric tests with the old
and the new testing library, it's a bit challenging to try to lower some

Here's my feedback for the new testing library :

I didn't succes to launch tests with runtests or runtests-coverage.

I created a test_config.local.php file where I define the correct path to
the shop and i set $sDataBaseRestore to "dbRestore" because comments told
that it's better to use this one.

When i launch runtests-coverage, i have this output (same result with
runtests) :

PHPUnit 3.7.38 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Configuration read from

Time: 1.27 seconds, Memory: 9.25Mb

No tests executed!

Generating code coverage report in Clover XML format ... done

Generating code coverage report in HTML format ... done
PHP Warning:  file_get_contents(/tmp//tmp_db_dump_oxidce): failed to open
stream: No such file or directory in
/var/www/oxid/source/modules/mymodule/tests/Library/dbRestore.php on line
PHP Warning:  file_get_contents(/tmp//tmp_db_dump_oxidce): failed to open
stream: No such file or directory in
/var/www/oxid/source/modules/mymodule/tests/Library/dbRestore.php on line

My database has no tables anymore and i have to recreate it.

I searched a little and i see that the dbDump function of the dbRestore
class is never called, so the dump of my database is not created and it
cannot restore it.

1) Is there something I missed in the config?

2) The "No tests executed!" bothers me, it looks like i'm not asking the
testing library to test something... What tests should i execute in order
to run coverage tests on my module?

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,

Nicolas Hodin


2015-02-06 13:15 GMT+01:00 Aurimas Gladutis <

>  Hi,
> Answer 1)
> coverage.inc.php is only used for code coverage, but not for metrics.
> To exlude directory from metrics, you need to edit runmetrics file and add
> directory to ignore:  ./pdepend --ignore external_library
> Answer 2)
> Current testing library is not working with 5.2 version of the shop, as
> deprecated methods (getInstance()) was removed from the shop.
> I would suggest to use new testing library
> https://github.com/OXID-eSales/testing_library which is currently in
> alpha stage, but should work fine with newer shop versions or
> change all the usages of oxConfig::getInstance() to
> oxRegistry::getConfig() in current testing library.
> If you will go with the new testing library option, please give us any
> feedback on how easy it is to use it and what problems are still left there.
> *Aurimas Gladutis*
> Software Developer
> *aurimas.gladu...@oxid-esales.com <aurimas.gladu...@oxid-esales.com>*
> Fon +49 761 36889-0
> Fax +49 761 36889-29
> *www.oxid-esales.com
> <http://www.oxid-esales.com?campaign=emailsignatur/oxid-esales-com?adword=OXSIG_Startseite>*
> [image: dmexco]
> *Köln, 10.-11.09.2014, Halle 7 Stand C 011/D 010*
> *Jetzt Termin vereinbaren
> <http://www.oxid-esales.com/index.php?id=2622&adword=OXSIG_DMEXCO14> OXID
> eSales AG *Bertoldstraße 48
> 79098 Freiburg
> Deutschland
> Vorstand: Roland Fesenmayr (Vorsitzender), Andrea Seeger
> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Michael Schlenk, Sitz: Freiburg
> Amtsgericht Freiburg i. Br., HRB 701648, USt-IdNr.: DE231450866
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* dev-general-boun...@lists.oxidforge.org [
> dev-general-boun...@lists.oxidforge.org] on behalf of Nicolas Hodin [
> nho...@noxnet.fr]
> *Sent:* Friday, February 06, 2015 9:52 AM
> *To:* dev-general@lists.oxidforge.org
> *Subject:* [oxid-dev-general] Module certification and unit tests
>   Hello,
>  In order to certifiy my new module I wanted to launch unit tests on it
> to retrieve metrics.
>  I installed a fresh CE eshop on a ubuntu server and it is working with
> demo data.I downloaded the tests directory from the Starter package from
> http://www.oxid-esales.com/en/products/downloads/knowledge.html and put
> it in my module folder, so i have this tree :
>  oxidroot
>  |__ modules
>     |___ mymodule
>        |___ classes
>        |___ external_library
>        |___ tests
>  Question 1)
> When i execute runmetrics.sh in the tests folders, it works and i have two
> new files metrics.txt and metrics.xml. The values are very high because i
> use an external library and i can see that all classes in this library are
> computed.
> I tried to add these line to the file coverage.inc.php :
>  PHPUnit_Util_Filter::removeDirectoryFromWhitelist(oxPATH .
> '/modules/mymodule/external_library/');
>  But it doesn't work, the library is still included in metrics. How can i
> blacklist this folder?
>  Question 2)
> When i execute runtests.sh or runcoverage.sh, i have this error :
>  PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method oxConfig::getInstance() in
> /var/www/oxid/source/modules/mymodule/tests/unit/test_utils.php on line 585
>  Fatal error: Call to undefined method oxConfig::getInstance() in
> /var/www/oxid/source/modules/mymodule/tests/unit/test_utils.php on line 585
>  Maybe I'm doing something wrong, is my tests folder at the right place?
> Did i forget a config file?
>  Thanks in advance for your help!
>  Best regards,
>  Nicolas Hodin
> www.takeitweb.fr
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