1) Database dump is only created on the first test run. If no tests are run, 
database dump will not be created and should also not be restored (which is now 
removed). Also check if php can access /tmp folder and if it can't, set 
$blSpecialDbDumpFolder to true.

2) What version of PHP are you using? Could you check if your unit test classes 
are named like this: Unit_Model_TestClassTest?
One more way to run unit tests is to specify tests directory with `./runtests 

Aurimas Gladutis
Software Developer

Fon +49 761 36889-0
Fax +49 761 36889-29


Köln, 10.-11.09.2014, Halle 7 Stand C 011/D 010
Jetzt Termin 

OXID eSales AG
Bertoldstraße 48
79098 Freiburg

Vorstand: Roland Fesenmayr (Vorsitzender), Andrea Seeger
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Michael Schlenk, Sitz: Freiburg
Amtsgericht Freiburg i. Br., HRB 701648, USt-IdNr.: DE231450866
From: dev-general-boun...@lists.oxidforge.org 
[dev-general-boun...@lists.oxidforge.org] on behalf of Nicolas Hodin 
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 5:22 PM
To: dev-general@lists.oxidforge.org
Subject: Re: [oxid-dev-general] Module certification and unit tests

Hi Aurimas,

Thanks a lot for your answer. I managed to run metric tests with the old and 
the new testing library, it's a bit challenging to try to lower some values!

Here's my feedback for the new testing library :

I didn't succes to launch tests with runtests or runtests-coverage.

I created a test_config.local.php file where I define the correct path to the 
shop and i set $sDataBaseRestore to "dbRestore" because comments told that it's 
better to use this one.

When i launch runtests-coverage, i have this output (same result with runtests) 

PHPUnit 3.7.38 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Configuration read from /var/www/oxid/source/modules/mymodule/tests/phpunit.xml

Time: 1.27 seconds, Memory: 9.25Mb

No tests executed!

Generating code coverage report in Clover XML format ... done

Generating code coverage report in HTML format ... done
PHP Warning:  file_get_contents(/tmp//tmp_db_dump_oxidce): failed to open 
stream: No such file or directory in 
/var/www/oxid/source/modules/mymodule/tests/Library/dbRestore.php on line 351
PHP Warning:  file_get_contents(/tmp//tmp_db_dump_oxidce): failed to open 
stream: No such file or directory in 
/var/www/oxid/source/modules/mymodule/tests/Library/dbRestore.php on line 351

My database has no tables anymore and i have to recreate it.

I searched a little and i see that the dbDump function of the dbRestore class 
is never called, so the dump of my database is not created and it cannot 
restore it.

1) Is there something I missed in the config?

2) The "No tests executed!" bothers me, it looks like i'm not asking the 
testing library to test something... What tests should i execute in order to 
run coverage tests on my module?

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,

Nicolas Hodin


2015-02-06 13:15 GMT+01:00 Aurimas Gladutis 

Answer 1)
coverage.inc.php is only used for code coverage, but not for metrics.
To exlude directory from metrics, you need to edit runmetrics file and add 
directory to ignore:  ./pdepend --ignore external_library

Answer 2)
Current testing library is not working with 5.2 version of the shop, as 
deprecated methods (getInstance()) was removed from the shop.
I would suggest to use new testing library 
https://github.com/OXID-eSales/testing_library which is currently in alpha 
stage, but should work fine with newer shop versions or
change all the usages of oxConfig::getInstance() to oxRegistry::getConfig() in 
current testing library.

If you will go with the new testing library option, please give us any feedback 
on how easy it is to use it and what problems are still left there.

Aurimas Gladutis
Software Developer

Fon +49 761 36889-0
Fax +49 761 36889-29<tel:%2B49%C2%A0761%C2%A036889-29>


Köln, 10.-11.09.2014, Halle 7 Stand C 011/D 010
Jetzt Termin 

OXID eSales AG
Bertoldstraße 48
79098 Freiburg

Vorstand: Roland Fesenmayr (Vorsitzender), Andrea Seeger
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Michael Schlenk, Sitz: Freiburg
Amtsgericht Freiburg i. Br., HRB 701648, USt-IdNr.: DE231450866
 on behalf of Nicolas Hodin [nho...@noxnet.fr<mailto:nho...@noxnet.fr>]
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2015 9:52 AM
To: dev-general@lists.oxidforge.org<mailto:dev-general@lists.oxidforge.org>
Subject: [oxid-dev-general] Module certification and unit tests


In order to certifiy my new module I wanted to launch unit tests on it to 
retrieve metrics.

I installed a fresh CE eshop on a ubuntu server and it is working with demo 
data.I downloaded the tests directory from the Starter package from 
http://www.oxid-esales.com/en/products/downloads/knowledge.html and put it in 
my module folder, so i have this tree :

 |__ modules
    |___ mymodule
       |___ classes
       |___ external_library
       |___ tests

Question 1)
When i execute runmetrics.sh in the tests folders, it works and i have two new 
files metrics.txt and metrics.xml. The values are very high because i use an 
external library and i can see that all classes in this library are computed.
I tried to add these line to the file coverage.inc.php :

PHPUnit_Util_Filter::removeDirectoryFromWhitelist(oxPATH . 

But it doesn't work, the library is still included in metrics. How can i 
blacklist this folder?

Question 2)
When i execute runtests.sh or runcoverage.sh, i have this error :

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method oxConfig::getInstance() in 
/var/www/oxid/source/modules/mymodule/tests/unit/test_utils.php on line 585

Fatal error: Call to undefined method oxConfig::getInstance() in 
/var/www/oxid/source/modules/mymodule/tests/unit/test_utils.php on line 585

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, is my tests folder at the right place? Did i 
forget a config file?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards,

Nicolas Hodin

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