Augmented reality has already set newer trends and benchmark for the entire 
community of experts who are strongly engaged with the domain of mobile 
applications developments. Either we look into the area of android app 
development or the iOS application development for iPads and iPhones, augmented 
reality has started revolutionizing the industry with one of kind app 
development ideas and concepts that have indeed captivated mobile users from 
all over the world. 
There are a number of famous brands that have swiftly moved onto implementing 
the concept of augmented reality within their apps. Mentioning the high-end 
augmented reality backed IKEA mobile app is worth mentioning in this regard. 
Customers are now able to virtualize any piece of furniture that interest them 
the most right at their home. A [url=]mobile app 
development[/url] team of expert app developers added that the concept of 
augmented reality is expected to bring considerable changes to the field of 
mobile applications development in the near future.

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