On 2/21/14 11:58, Romain Testard wrote:
Guys, I want to clearly understand, will this prevent URL customisation (mz.la/romain) as well as easy to remember generated URLs (mz.la/two_driving_dolphins) ? I'm not sure we want to do these things but I want to understand the implications of that decision.

Because of the mechanism I'm proposing for revocation, the URLs we're generating right now will be time-limited. This can be a relatively long time period, like on the order of a month, but not indefinite. So, you can go ahead and shorten these URLs with a service, but the shortened URL's period of validity will be bound to the longer URL's period of validity, unless the service allows you to update the long URL associated with a short URL.

That said, because we have an indicator of the token format (the "version" in my original email on this topic), it's very easy to bolt on "permanent" call-me URLs at a later date, once we know how they need to behave. But "how they need to behave" is actually much trickier than it appears at first glance; in particular, the revocation story gets murky: if you've given "mz.lo/romain" out to hundreds of people, revocation is a pretty extreme measure, akin to changing a phone number. And we almost certainly don't want to roll permanent URLs out without some kind of revocation, as this could make the service functionally useless for people: would you continue to use the service if you started getting nuisance calls on "mz.la/romain" as frequently as you get email spam?

So I think the important thing to note is that we don't support what you propose right now, but we do have specific architectural hooks that will allow us to add it at a later date once we better understand the requirements.

Adam Roach
Principal Platform Engineer
+1 650 903 0800 x863
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