On 2/24/14 05:07, Alexis Métaireau wrote:
That's interesting, because I had something in mind that I haven't made explicit: because the token server returns nodes to use for the users, I was planning on using this in order to avoid charging the load balancers. e.g. something like this (Bob wants to be called):

1. Temp URL is generated by the server for Bob. This URL is tied to a node, e.g. https://node42.loop.services.mozilla.com/call/{token}
2. Bob gives this URL to Alice in order to be called
3. Alice clicks on the link and the node know what's the format of the token because /node42/ runs only this version of the service.

As long as the version of the service is valid, node42 is up, and when this is not valid anymore we can ditch it.

Sure, that does effectively the same thing with the load distribution advantage you describe. I'm perfectly happy binding the token syntax to the authority name like you suggest.

However, this approach doesn't work well in the case we want these temporary URLs to be persistant (the b. case).

If we're handing out different servers for different format versions, we can defer this until we actually deploy permanent tokens (assuming we eventually decide to do so). In other words, the permanent tokens will need to be at a different authority (machine), and we can use versioning for that machine's URLs only.

So let's go with what you propose, and we can worry about putting versions in the URL path when and if they become necessary.

Adam Roach
Principal Platform Engineer
+1 650 903 0800 x863
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