We've been adding a lot of new code lately, particularly as part of
B2G.  But we have not been adding high-level in-source documentation
along with that code.

The result is that it's becoming increasingly difficult to find one's
way around our code.

To be clear, my beef here isn't so much with a paucity of nitty-gritty
comments in implementations about why we do something a particular
way, but with the lack of higher-level comments in headers, IDL files,
and JS services explaining what a class or interface is used for, how
it interacts with other classes, and non-obvious particulars of the
API it exposes.

I don't want to pick on any specific examples too much, because I
think the problem isn't specific examples but rather the general
culture that it's OK to check in headers and interfaces without any
comments.  But lest you think I'm imaging this problem, I'll point to
a few files that happen to be on my mind at the moment:

* nsISettingsService is a device-settings API used in B2G.  It's not
at all clear to me how to correctly use this interface.  Some
questions I have include: What is the optional aMessage argument on
set() for?  Are the settings locks re-entrant?  What can I set a
setting to (they're jsvals)?  Unfortunately there are no comments on
the interface.

* What's the difference between mozilla::system::TimeSetting and
mozilla::dom::time::TimeManager?  Even if I gave you the header files
(which don't have any comments), I don't think it would be
particularly clear what's going on.

Again, the problem isn't these examples specifically -- the vast
majority of B2G work I've seen has been un- or severely

I propose here that reviewers and super-reviewers should require that
new code be appropriately commented, just as we require that new code
be appropriately formatted.  (We seem to be quite good at enforcing
the latter, even though I hope we can agree that comments are, at a
minimum, as important as formatting.  Maybe we should put something
about commenting in the style guide.  :)

"Appropriately commented" is obviously up to individual
interpretation.  But I think at a minimum, interfaces and classes
defined in header files should be preceded by a sentence or two
explaining their purpose and perhaps how they interact with other
pieces of code.  Additionally, I'd say that methods and arguments in
an API (in a .idl, .ipdl, .h, or .js file) should be documented to an
extent which would allow a programmer of average skill (for Mozilla)
to correctly use the API without reading the implementation.  That may
mean that none of the methods on a particular API get any comments,
which is totally fine by me.

I really hope this isn't controversial.  Again, the point isn't to go
crazy with comments; they are merely a means to an end.

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