On 9/17/2012 12:03 PM, Gregory Szorc wrote:
I like the idea. However, we have a big obstacle: MDN.

Many believe that MDN should be where user-facing API documentation lives. MDN certainly has a better user experience than foraging around mozilla-central (especially if you are just a casual developer). If I'm a casual extensions developer, I much prefer browsing MDN to searching for files in the tree and looking at source code. Why are you making me look at source code when all I need to know is how the API works?! Good documentation alleviates the need to look at source code. User experience matters and developers are users too. We are right in wanting to promote a better user experience/MDN for documentation.

My preferred source editor lets me jump to the IDL definition of an interface with two keystrokes (Ctrl-]). Navigating to an interface on MDN requires at least a dozen (Alt-Tab to Firefox, Ctrl-T for new tab, MDN to get something in the tab bar, down a few times to select a short pagename, backspace, type in the interface...). As a core developer, MDN documentation is essentially useless to me because in-source documentation is much easier to access. I'll agree that add-on authors don't necessarily have this luxury.

The problem with MDN is it isn't integrated with the source tree in any way AFAICT. So, as a developer, I have a conflict. Do I write great docs in the tree? If so, I have to manually replicate those on MDN. And, I have to remember to do this every time I change docs. This takes a lot of effort, especially when you consider czars don't run every module and changes creep in from people not as stringent about docs as you. Alternatively, I take the lazy road and don't bother synchronizing docs to MDN. Or, I'm ignorant about the existence of docs on MDN and don't know they need to be updated. So, either it takes me/developers a lot of extra work to ensure all the docs are up to date. Or, developers who don't want to or can't afford the time to source forage lose out because the docs don't exist or aren't up to date. This system is set up for failure.

Source code has a great advantage in that it's much closer to the point of definition, so reviewers can (and should, in the argument of this thread) be pestering people who don't add the documentation. By contrast, MDN is independently updatable, so it's not as easy to enforce changes there. Case in point: the MDN docs for the JS Map feature still haven't, 7 weeks and one uplift later, indicated that Map is iterable.

I'd argue things would be in a much better state if in-tree docs were pushed to MDN or some other read-only docs site. I'm arguing for the docs to live in the tree because from my experience the closer the docs are to the things they describe (typically source code), the higher the likelihood that they are up to date because of their higher visibility to developers. At some point you'll want to consider higher-level docs in a medium that is easier to edit than our source tree. I'm not sure where to draw that line. Certainly things like IDL and class documentation should be pulled from source and read-only. But, that line get blurry pretty fast.

There's good news and bad news here. The good news is that we have |make documentation|, and, for a time, this was being automatically updated on doxygen.db48x.net. If you've ever seen weird graphs of things in MXR, they're files being mapped from said site. |make documentation| is a command which runs Doxygen over the files in dist/include and dist/idl (we have a config file checked into the tree already). The bad news is that Doxygen these days seems to be stuck processing our code, and that it has a nasty habit of tripping over some of our macro usages a lot. This also does nothing to solve the issue of documentation for JS modules or any front-end content (like various XBL definitions or JS window global objects).

The other issue is that we also have effectively 5 distinct versions of code (mozilla-esr, release, beta, aurora, central) building 4-6 projects (Firefox, XUL runner, Firefox for Android, Firefox OS, and Thunderbird and SeaMonkey, if you include the comm-* portion of the tree) on several platforms. If you look at just the C/C++/IDL portion of the effective public interface, platform differences probably don't matter that much (add things not exported and there's a bigger difference), but the front-end segment of the effective interface is wildly different on various platforms.
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