On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 3:38 AM, Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoi...@gmail.com>wrote:

>    2.1. MathML never saw much traction outside of Mozilla, despite having
> been around for a decade. WebKit only got a very limited partial
> implementation recently, and Google removed it from Blink. The fact that it
> was just dropped from Blink says much about how little it's used: Google
> wouldn't have disabled a feature that's needed to render web pages in the
> real world.

The Blink implementation was never good enough to render MathML pages well
in the real world, whether there were any or not. It also had some pretty
major brokenness in the way it was integrated into Blink, which made it
difficult to enable safely.

I would also say that one big difference between MathML and a hypothetical
TeX-based format is that MathML has a DOM and it's not clear how to fit TeX
into a DOM. That may not matter much for rendering, but it does if you want
to support editing.

One other thing: EPUB publishers are screaming for good math support for
textbooks (and currently that means they want MathML). They're mostly
Webkit-based, and maybe we don't care about them, but there you are.

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