On 5/8/13 12:10, Gregory Szorc wrote:
I think this is more a question for sheriffs and people closer to automation. Generally, you need to be cognizant of timeouts enforced by our automation infrastructure and the scorn people will give you for running a test that isn't efficient. But if it is efficient and passes try, you're generally on semi-solid ground.

The issue with the signaling tests is that there are necessarily a lot of timers involved, so they'll always take a long time to run. They're pretty close to optimally "efficient" inasmuch as there's really no faster way to do what they're doing. I suspect you mean "runs in a very short amount of time" rather than "efficient."

It should be noted that not running the signaling_unittests on checkin has bitten us several times, as we'll go for long period of times with regressions that would have been caught if they'd been running (and then it's a lot more work to track down where the regression was introduced).

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