I'd like to discuss the implications of replacing/morphing Gecko's URL
parser with/into something that conforms to

The goal is to get URL parsing to the level of quality of our CSS and
HTML parsers and get convergence over time with other browsers as at
the moment it's quite different between browsers.

I'm interested in hearing what people think. I outlined two issues
below, but I'm sure there are more. By the way, independently of the
parser bit, we are proceeding with implementing the URL API as drafted
in the URL Standard in Gecko, which should make testing URL parsing

Idempotent: Currently Gecko's parser and the URL Standard's parser are
not idempotent. E.g. http://@/mozilla.org/ becomes
http:///mozilla.org/ which when parsed becomes http://mozilla.org/
which is somewhat bad for security. My plan is to change the URL
Standard to fail parsing empty host names. I'll have to research if
there's other cases that are not idempotent.

File URLs: As far as I know in Gecko parsing file URLs is
platform-specific so the URL object you get back will have
platform-specific characteristics. In the URL Standard I tried to
align parsing mostly with Windows, allowing interpretation of the file
URL up to the platform. This means platform-specific badness is
exposed, but is risky.

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