On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 3:25 AM, Philipp Kewisch <mozi...@kewis.ch> wrote:
> I also agree to Randell and Joshua. I've been using both lately and there
> are just a few things missing in git that I am used to in hg.
> Mercurial Queues is the most prominent. I am used to switching the order of
> patches in my queue, which seems like a pain to me in git. Or maybe I
> haven't quite found out how to do it reliably.

git rebase --interactive.  It is /far/ more powerful than mq for this use-case.

I even have a |git qrebase| alias for this.


> Yes, somehow rebasing seems to be the solution here, but with git its quite
> common that you push your changes to your own remote and then do pull
> requests. This again will require me to do push -f almost always, since I
> often change the order of patches. This doesn't sound ideal to me.

I don't understand the objection here.  Yes, if you're changing remote
history (e.g. updating a pull request after you re-ordered patches),
you have to push -f.

What's the problem with this?
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