We can't have a rigid rule about 24 hours. Someone requesting a review from
me on Thursday PDT probably won't get a response until Monday if neither of
us work during the weekend.

But I think it's reasonable to expect developers to process outstanding
review requests (and needinfos) at least once every regular work day.
Processing includes leaving a comment with an ETA.

Jtehsauts  tshaei dS,o n" Wohfy  Mdaon  yhoaus  eanuttehrotraiitny  eovni
le atrhtohu gthot sf oirng iyvoeu rs ihnesa.r"t sS?o  Whhei csha iids  teoa
stiheer :p atroa lsyazye,d  'mYaonu,r  "sGients  uapr,e  tfaokreg iyvoeunr,
'm aotr  atnod  sgaoy ,h o'mGee.t"  uTph eann dt hwea lmka'n?  gBoutt  uIp
waanndt  wyeonut  thoo mken.o w  *
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