On 7/12/2013 9:49 AM, Gervase Markham wrote:
We keep hitting cases where we would like Firefoxes in the field to have
some data updated using a process which is much lighter in expended
effort than shipping a security release. Here are some examples of the
data Firefox stores that I know of which might benefit from this:

- The Public Suffix List (more important with new TLDs coming)
- The Root CA store, or trust lists in general
- Addon and plugin blacklists
- The default prefs file
- The UA override list (needed for B2G, at least)

This is all good stuff, and I want to support us being nimble. We also need to balance that against security and quality in our builds. We go through the release process for a reason, and we exert the energy to QA these builds and ensure we can update them incrementally, reliably, and repeatably. I think that such a service like this can be fine, but I'd want to be very certain we only change certain, safe items in the profile directory, and we stay away from items in the application directory.

My two cents,
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