On 11/19/13, 11:06 PM, Tim Abraldes wrote:
Possible compromise: have this info live in the tree as part of the
in-tree docs under build/docs. You need build peer review to update
those docs and they are versioned with the tree. That addresses my
accuracy and versioning concerns.

This sounds reasonable to me! The docs would always be up to date with the code 
being built, anyone experiencing an issue can look it up in a known location, 
anyone with knowledge about a particular issue can update the doc, and build 
peers don't have to spend their time keeping config rules constantly up to 
date! Assuming people are on board with this plan, how would we go about 
starting that doc?

b76171a0d6ec and newer (currently inbound only) have a build/docs/supported-configurations.rst file documenting supported build configurations. I just filled it in with basics.

Feel free to make obvious updates with "NO BUG" "DONTBUILD (NPOTB)" and no build peer review. Please at least get a pastebin/irc "review" from a build peer for anything too involved.

If people have time to write patches to configure to enforce missing requirements, we'll happily review them.
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