Much thanks David. Im working on an addon called "Floppers". It's for
Twitter. It also tells you who has blocked you. So how it does this is it
checks the history of users that you have been in contact with but not on
your Following or Follewer lists, it checks behind the scense. How it does
it is by "Requesting Friend" on each account behind the scense, after the
XMLHTTPRequest completes, the req either goes through or come back saying
you are blocked, and i updated my SQLite database. However if it went
through I must cancel the request so the user on the other end never sees
the req came. So its critical I keep firefox open for at least 1 more
XMLHTTPReq and thats to cancel the req. Which should be just 1 to 30
seconds max (for super slow connections). Im worried if a ctrl+alt+del
happens after the friend req is sent, im trying to find a way to notify the
user when the process is hung up or crashed after the first req.

Much thanks for the reply David and really appreciate this module
nonetheless, it should help me with making that final call if they don't
ctrl+alt+del the process or some other thing causes the process to

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 5:14 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller <> wrote:

> No, this module is not designed to transact events, just to ensure that
> we do not proceed with shutdown before the appropriate time.
> What is your application need exactly?
> Cheers,
>  David
> On 2/18/14 11:13 AM, wrote:
> > what if someone were to ctrl+alt+delete the process.
> > would the queue of events be queued to run on startup? i have a great
> need for that
> --
> David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
>  Performance Team, Mozilla
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